Thursday, 28 January 2010

Definition of suspense.

Suspense is the feeling of Anxiety and anticipation regarding an outcome resulting from an uncertain, undecided, or mysterious situation which may cause excitement within an audience.

Analysis of 9 shots from Art of the title sequence.

Catch me if you can.

This is the title sequence of the 2002 film Catch me if you can. It stars Leonardo Di Caprio, Tom Hanks and Christopher Walken. This title sequence appeals to me as the shots are very mysterious and seem to not reveal a lot about the film, however when you watch the film you notice that the title sequence reveals the entire plot. The colours are warm and vivid which engages the audience and the font is playful which is compatible with the title catch me if you can. Each picture portrays the title with the car chase in the fifth shot and the man running after somebody in the last shot. The constant use of black a in all the shots makes the title sequence elegant and sophisticated

If you click on the shots you can watch the entire title sequence, i feel the music helps to make the title sequence more mysterious, when the music builds it becomes more dramatic and emphasises the idea of someone being chased.


Coraline is a child's story but is creepy enough to be enjoyed by everyone.

The opening sequence is narrative with the titles running through it, we know this as the sequence consists of someone or 'something' making a small doll.
The opening sequence is very reminiscent of Se7en, in the way that we just see images (which until the end of the film) we are unaware of the importance and relationship to the plot of the movie. As se7en has possibly one of the best openings for a thriller, it was a wise move to try and replicate it.
The text is there in every shot of the opening however in most cases it remains in full view yet understated, the font is creepy and gothic, which is appealing to those who enjoy being scared.

Analysis of Thriller clip in class?

The clip we watched was of the 1995 film Se7en. The director was David Fincher, he used various techniques in order to build suspense and make it a classic thriller film. I will be looking at three techniques which build suspense in the opening title sequence. The use of non digetic demonic music builds tension, this builds anticipation with the audience. The use of fast edits creates suspense as well as the gruesome images like sewing needles embedded into peoples heads.

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Photo- words activity.

Today we were given half an hour where we were asked to take pictures of various moods and feelings for example Quick, Depression and Future.


This image is an example of quick, this is effective as Chloe is blurred and distorted which makes it difficult to identify what is happening or what /who this is, which creates an air of mystery and fear.


This portrays future as it looks as if people are holographically walking along the road. The translucent figures are towering over the people which also creates a sense of fear.

Today our group were given a list of words and we were asked to take photos to represent the meaning of the words. We were given a camera and had half an hour to go around the college or and outside to take these photos.

The image below represents the word Future.

Today we were given a list of words and asked to take pictures which portrayed the meaning of the word. We were then given a hand held digital camera and half an hour to try and take pictures which we felt adequately resembled the words given. We were allowed to leave the building or take pictures within it.
Once we had taken all the photos we could we returned to the classroom and upload them onto the computers.

The following image represents the word 'City',
we took it from the top floor of the building looking out of the window. I feel that this portrays the word 'City' as within the same shot you can see the houses which look traditional and are figure of average people in their homes with their families, as well as the sky scrapers in the background which is representative of the working area of London, the modern, business side.