Thursday, 11 February 2010

Detailed analysis of Thriller clip analysed in class.

The clip i chose to wrote about was the title sequence of seven, it stars Brad Pitt and Gwyneth Paltrow. From the title you do not get a clear picture about what the titles are about. However the use of fast pace editing and flashing images merging into each other suggests that a character or a group of characters are unhinged and unstable. The gruesome images of needles embedded into skulls are disturbing and forces the audience to envisage pain and suffering. Also the use of writing and books aswell as glypses of metal surfaces and equipment connotates hospitals and mental asylus The non digetic sound of the drums help to build tension throughout also the effects of negative give the impressioned of a warped mind. Furthermore the size of the font is small which makes it harder to read. The ending of the title is unusual as it simply ends with Gwyneth Paltrow and Brad Pitt lying in bed which is completely normal opposed to the beginning which is warped and unusual.

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