Thursday, 18 February 2010

Thriller Sub-Genres.

Thriller Sub-Genres

The thriller sub genres are as followed, with examples:
Psycological thriller
Action thriller
Crime thriller
Political thriller
Spy thriller
Horror thriller
Sc-fi thriller
Religious thriller

The two sub genres which inspire me at the moment are Psycological thrillers and Action thrillers. Psycological thrillers inspire me as the plot is usually unpredictable which makes the film more interesting than other genres. Thrillers usually focus on the plot rather than the characters, however psycological thrillers are different as the characters are emphasised as much or even more than the plot. An example of a psycological thriller is the 2003 film The Recruit it stars Colin Farrell and Al Pacino, it is about a CIA trainee being told by his mentor to find a mole in the agency, however not everything is as it seems. This film literally leaves your mind aching as you try to work out the characters and their motives this indicates that psycological thrillers effectively engage the audience which is another reason why they inspire me.

Action thrillers usually feature a race against the clock, some form of protaginist and an antagonist, action thrillers have elements of mystery films and crime films but is mostly filled with action. Action thrillers inspire me as they are fast paced and interesting with the chases and fights. An example of an action thriller is the 2002 film Bourne Identity, it stars Matt Damon and Franka Potente. Jason Bourne (Matt Damon) is found floating adrift in the sea with gunshot wounds in his back and has a laser implanted into his back. He then realizes he can speak many languages fluently and knows martial arts, later on he discovers he is works for the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) This films' action sequences make it a success and the mysterious plot is another reason why action thrillers inspire me.

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