Friday, 30 April 2010

7. EVALUATION - Progression from preliminary task to full product.

I feel that I have greatly progressed from when I first attempted to make a small move in my preliminary match cut to now when I have completed my final edit of my thriller opening.
The first problems I encountered when it came to editing was using the whole of the screen.

For example, on the left from my preliminary task you can see that we haven't used the space very well, there is a very large space in the middle of the two characters with which is not occupied with anything of interest, when it came to filming our final piece, I kept that in mind and tried to make sure that all our frames sufficiently used all the space possible.

Below is another example of a lesson I learnt, in my preliminary on the left the text looks awkwardly placed, it is slightly clashing with the wall and the attention of the audience is more focused on the character walking rather than what the text says.

To transfer this knowledge to my final edit, I tried to make sure all my titles were clearly placed out and were all the same size, font and colour. I tried to make be aware of where I wanted my audiences attention to be at all times.

Another example of progression is exampled below, on the left is my preliminary task and as you can see the character is blocking what she is doing (opening the door), we had originally planned to do a close up of the hand on the door handle, however, in practise it did not look as good.

On the right is my final edit and as you can see I have taken into consideration the problems I had with my match cut exercise and made sure no object was blocking another. From the example above you can see that I have made sure the pigeons did not cover up the fact they were eating bones, which would have ruined the purpose of the shot.


What have you learnt from technologies from the process of constructing this product?

The main programmes i used for the production of my title seuquence are, Final cut which is used to edit footage, live type which is used to make titles and Soundtrack, which makes a soundtrack. The picture above shows my titles in the making, once you have finished making the titles and soundtrack, the three programmes are combined as titles and sound are dragged into final cut so all three can be played at once.

This picture shows all three programmes are working together. The left screen shows a clip of the film whilst the right screen shows a clip of the entire footage so far. The top two lines show the titles i made in Live type, the middle lines are clips of the footage and finally this long green line is the soundtrack. As you can see all three programmes have been brought together.

In addition i used many websites such as..

Blogger which i used to upload videos from you tube for example the trailer in my task 3/4 of the evaluation. I also screen grabbed images from art of the title sequence into my blog as well as using google and wikipedia as search engines to search for more information about thrillers. Furthermore i used Imdb(Internet movie database) to identify different genres of thrillers and the types of films.

Thursday, 29 April 2010


Looking back at you're preliminary task, what do you feel you have learned in the progression from it to the full product?

I believe i have learned a lot since the Preliminary task as i am more confident with using the equipment for example in the preliminary task i did the camera work and my framing of the camera was too high or too low etc. However in my film, Final Cut i excecuted the framing better, other factors such as editing and mise en scene makes Final Cut look more professional than the match cut.

The editing plays a big role in how good the footage turns out as it should flow smoothly and you should not even notice that they are a number of clips and not just one, i feel at the time of the preliminary match cut me and the other group members were still not confident in using programmes such as Final Cut which meant it seemed less professional. I learnt that it was better to record longer clips rather than shorter clips so the end footage would flow better.

These pictures of my opening thriller show that camera angles are better and there is a wider range of them especially with the use of high angle shot with the sunlight poking through the trees. In the preliminary match cut, there is a very limited amount of camera angles which shows i have learnt to have variation.

8. (Part 2) EVALUATION - Feedback

The feedback we received for 'Final Cut' was very encouraging and I was very pleased that people struggled to find a fault with our opening, however, we asked them to think of one so that we could further learn from this experience.

Unfortunately due to technical errors we lost a couple of clips and were unable to rotate them, however, this has become a positive as it is an extra thing I have learnt from the task and that is, never rely on technology.

6. EVALUATION - What I have learned

Arlington Road Opening Sequence

Watch Arlington Road : opening title sequence in Entertainment | View More Free Videos Online at

Task 8- Evaluation: Audience feedback and comment (PART 2)

This is some feedback i got about what they though of our thriller opening. Due to some technical errors my videos of people's reponses got deleted so above is an Msn Messenger interview with someone who watched our thriller.


Audience and Feedback.

These are videos of response to my title sequence here's what people said!