Monday, 26 April 2010


This is an example of how my film would be advertised, i simply screen grabbed images from my title sequence, the first image shows the title of the film to make it clear to people what the name of the film is. The second image is of the character in the sequence, i have chosen this image as it will engage people and make them want to know more about the film. The picture is demonic due to the character's stance as well as the use of the candle which connotates witch-craft. I believe the picture creates an eerie atmosphere as it appears she is watching over people who are passing by.

I decided to advertise using OOH (Out of House) advertising in the form of billboards on the street walls, instead of the TV or in well known magazines, as my film is serious and uncommercial as i believe it would be an indie art house film. It also has a niche market for horror and thriller lovers. I would take my film to film festivals such as the
Cannes Film Festival and the Edinburgh Internation Film Festival which are both popular and established film festivals. I would target an independent film distributer such as Vertigo Films as they have a good reputation in producing and distributing independent films or perhaps have a less established company distribute or film such as Delanic films. I would try to get a simultaneous release for the film As my film would be an independent film which indicates a low budget a simultaneous release would be good as we would only need to spend on one marketing campaign opposed to seperate campaigns for each release window.

An example of an independent film Vertigo Films has distributed is the film Streetdance 3D which is due to be released on the 21st May.

These are the types of cinemas we would market our films at, the first cinema is part of Everyman cinemas a chain of independent cinemas spread out across England since 1933. The other is Phoenix cinemas another independent chain of cinemas across england since 1910. These are independent cinemas speacialise in showing independent films as well as rarely showing mainstream movies.

As my film is highly uncommercial, linking products to the film synergously would be difficult therefore i would focus more on advertising on billboards, like those above, as well as magazines like Empire as they discuss many different types of films which would help me reach out to film lovers. However my film could be sold in a box set with various other films of the same genre such as Arlington Road.

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