Thursday, 22 April 2010

Task 2- Evaluation: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The first still image is from the film ''Girl interrupted' .This image shows one of the main character who is a mental patient in a mental hospital, this is very similar to the character in my film who is also a mental patient. However in my thriller opening the patient is not in a mental hospital anymore as she has escaped. The second still image is of the main character from my thriller opening.

Above is an image of Angelina Jolie starring in the film girl interrupted. To the right is a screen grab form my thriller sequence and is of the main character. The character from girl interrupted can be compared to the character in my thriller; they are both young female who have psychological problems and live or lived in a mental institution. The camera shots are also similar as it is a close up on there face to show there expressions. This character was one of the inspirations for my thriller.

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