Thursday, 29 April 2010

Task 6-Evaluation: What have you learned about technologies from of constructing this product?

I have learnt how to used many different technologies such as Final cut pro, soundtrack pro, livetype, google, youtube, Apple mac computers, Blogger and using the website art of the title.

At first everything was all a bit hard to use. I used youtube and google to research all the different types of sub-genres there were; to help us make a decision about what our thriller openign should be about.

I had never used a Apple mac before and therefore it was my first time, at first i found it hard to copy and paste stuff because it was so different to using a PC.
We used a jvc camera to record our thriller opening once we had recorded it, we put it on a hardrive.

Once we put all our clips together we used final cut pro to edit and soundtrack pro to put our own music to it.
We also use livetype to create the titles for our thriller opening.
During our filming and editing we blogged about what we did using blogger.
We also looked at the website Art of the Title and looked at different shots from a real opening to a film to see the layout of what to put first such as production company, director, producer etc.

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